Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\textpattern\lib\txplib_db.php on line 14 Memoirs of a Novice: Just when the bastard is in your grasp...

Just when the bastard is in your grasp... · 7366 days ago

I’m a great fan of fighting games. Hell, I take the opportunity to beat up my buddies in them any chance I get. In my home, I am the L347 fighting master. Guilty Gear… Budokai… any damn fighting game. That was until I met Sean Southwell [excuse the spelling if wrong]AKA, the “THE BLACK DEMOCRATIC BASTARD”. Formaly dubbed that after taking out many in halo, bringing much frustration to those who couldnt get vengence. I didnt have that pronlem becouse Im a sniper. Still, I never would have belived I’d end up in the same boat as those other poor fools, just in a diffrent type of game.

I sat on that chair that day, and got my rear end handed to me on a dinner plate… With white wine and sour bread… Never saw it coming. After being “destroyed”[literally, there is a one hit kill technique in guilty in which the announcer says “destroyed”] a few times, I figured that Sean had some sort of edge against me. After studying his technique I realized that my problem was his style. It was too similar to mine. I knew the only reason for my horrible win lose ratio on him was my inexperience. He had owned a copy of guilty gear. What the hell was I supposed to do, I was greatly unprepared for such rivalry. Playing with Jasser drops your need for training drastically, it true ya know… So I popped in guilty gear a few times a week, and did the insanly difficult mission modes. I managed to surpass a few befor getting frustrated. Trained a bit here and there… story modes… survival modes… mode’s mode… I was ready for a worthy human opponent. Then Sean came over with Josh. I let Sean and Josh play first. I had to watch him fight. Josh of coarse chose Cliff Underson, short guy with a giant steak-knife looking dragon buster… And Sean simply chose Sol Badguy. Now, I’ve read much on guilty gear, and it seems that there are charaters that do have great advantages over others… Sol being the most powerful in all that is kick ass. I realized that he did that alot. In project justice he always chose the main characters and bosses. Why didnt I see it then, is beyond me. It didnt matter anyways. I knew what to expect from each of the characters, no surprises for me… I hate surprises. Then I was up. I picked Chipp Zanuff, crazy kamikaze ninja. He chose Sol once more… The fight began dramatically. We parryed each others moves. We grappled after every block. Super moves were evaded like nothing! Slowly we weared each other down. Until Sean got in a lucky low kick and defeated me. As we continued our battle, I saw a reacurring pattern of lucky hits on his end, and unlucky mistakes on mine. When he agreed it was luck, I though he was kidding. Luck was an understatement.

He let me borrow project justice, probably after seeing the improvment in guilty as a result of training. It was the same reacurring theme. He picks strong character as an edge, and once I telegraph his moves into predictable patterns, luck picks his ass up and happily slams it on top of me. Still, Im not the type of person who sorely loses and complains about luck too often, but this was ridiculouse!! Friday, Sean’s last day here. Josh went home early seeing that we were going to play justice. He chose his little crew and I chose mine… Again I gain the upper hand, and by some miracle he wins. Finally, he dicides to chose some crap team made up of Momo, Yurika, and Nagare… NAGARE!? That swimming fairy tale? He fights in speedos for god sakes!!! Well I knew I couldnt lose, he said it himself… Momo was not a problem for me. But Yurika [strange enough] got lucky and won. I decided that Id have to get Nagare out of the way and concentrate on Yurika. but when the battle began, I didnt know what to do. Nagare was doing the most wildest things I’ve ever seen in a fighting game! Swimming in air and all! I had to bring the battle back to me! Using my best characters Roberto, Akira, and an added feature of Batsu… I unleashed my level 5 team up attack! Timing it perfectly so that the charge level around Roberto hit Nagare while doing his goofy combos. It so happens that he did his super move right in front of me. “No problem” I though to myself,“Theres no way in hell that his move would counter the level 5 team up of doom… Right?”...Wrong, that bastard accidently did Nagare’s arial move, sending him swim up to saftly. I can still see it vividly in my mind, the blast of light around Roberto as he unleased pure energy to commence the final combo, and that lucky bastard swims above me like peter pan mixed with the nutcracker…The room was filled with laughter. Mostly Seans. Soon, even I began to laugh. If only Josh were there to witness it. The epitome of luck. The bastard “swam” away from oncoming doom. I lost that match, and gave up on project justice for the night, and probably for ever… Sanitario…

— Jorge Vasquez


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